Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Back on the scene!

FINALLY... resolved a technical difficulty that kept me from posting after day one!

Am in week 7, now. Lost 15 pounds in the first five weeks. I don't think I broke a sweat once. And I ate as much as wanted at all times. When I think how hard I worked out over the past few years, and went hungry so very often, and could never lose any weight... and then it just falls off like this on the raw foods? What will happen when the workouts intensify? My energy has been going through the roof -- on my daily walks, I can't hold myself back from running any longer, which really starts to change the definition in my legs and tuckus. Gotta luv it.

Am finding some routine as far as food intake, but also am still in pursuit of a decent sandwich wrap other than nori. That would be an enormous help... being able to grab something quick & substantial for on-the-go & for work. I've tried making tortillas and chips using ground flax seed as a binding agent, but I find the flavor of ground flax repulsivo. It's not rancid or bitter... it's something else, and I simply can't stomach it, can't get it down. Am not using corn, as Gabriel Cousens recommends against its usage, along with cashews, oats, and mushrooms, all of which I still have stocked but will likely not replenish when they are out (these foods contribute mycotoxins to one's bloodstream -- check out his book Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine for details). I'm thinking a tortilla made with carrot pulp and soaked pecans might work... it's having a binding agent to hold it all together that's the trick. Will experiment on this one & report all positive findings!

Am still frequently doing papaya smoothies with raspberries -- love to blend them up with a little water, pour everything into two re-used Glaceau VitaminWater bottles, and take to work. They last until mid-morning, after which I switch to my greens smoothies, bottled similarly. Last week, I spent most of the week primarily taking blended fruit & veg, and my skin is really showing it! For nearly ten years, I've tried everything I can think of -- including zillions of products, facials, and masks -- to clear the pores on my nose, which seemed to remain bumpy and darkish, no matter what I did. And now... smooth as a baby's behind and much, much less visible! After 1-2 weeks on these blended drinks? This cure for skin challenges should be shouted from the rooftops... it's amazing!

As far as the greens, I started with salad-type blends of veggies: baby greens, kale, chard, radishes, red peppers, cukes, sometimes some jalapeno and/or onions (spring or red). I'd add some Himalayan crystal salt, a dash of raw apple cider vinegar (I use Braggs) or lemon, and some kind of oil -- hemp, olive, or coconut (which breaks into tiny particles that make the drink taste creamy).

But I have since discovered a couple things that are really turning me on: 1) spinach completely breaks down into a delicately flavored, smooth emulsified drink when it's blended, and 2) spinach & raw cacao go together very nicely. The potential here is awesome... greens AND chocolate in the same beverage? Add some raw maca powder, a couple soaked dates, and a dash of Himalayan salt, and I'll have a Chocomacaverde Extravaganza!

I am salivating at the thought. What a weirdo.

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