Sunday, May 01, 2005

To Resurrection!

What an auspicious and appropriate date to accidentally launch this site, when two ancient resurrection-celebrating holidays have converged, May Day & Greek Easter. Perfectly aligns with my experience so far of leaving the cooked life behind--I feel not only my body renewing itself, but my spirit as well. Skin, cells, heart, happiness... all glowing in a soft, quiet way. Live food is magic, true alchemy.

Tomorrow starts week 4 of this radical change, which started on April 11, 2005. I'm beginning to focus in on recipes to satisfy the emotional aspect of suddenly leaving behind, all at once, meat, fish, dairy, and cooking, certified organic though it might all have been. I'll be posting my favorites at my other blog, Bare-Naked Cuisine. Nothing there yet, but I'm sure within a month it'll be jammed with goodies.

Perhaps sometime in the future the simplest of raw diets will satisfy me, but for now this jaded foodie needs some new, taste-bud-mesmerizing favorites, and I also want to devise some recipes that will help me introduce my teen-age boys to raw eating. They're watching from the sidelines... curious. If I can satisfy my own rarified culinary hankerings, and those of my sub-eating, pepperoni-pizza-loving kids, then what's to stop the whole Western world from leaving the cooked life behind? The entire planet would resurrect in three days, truly.

So, to my Greek friends and family I say on this lovely Easter morning: Xristos Anesti, Alithos Anesti! Blessings to all, and may you have the best day of your life, today and every day!

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