Thursday, September 13, 2007

Back in the saddle, again...

Started back with a high-raw diet about a month ago, after a couple years of varying degrees of "rawness", but with a constant trend of of live green smoothies.

I'd lost the kind of inner "high" that comes from being very high raw, tho, and my skin had lost that distinctive glow & smoothness. I wanted to feel that release and openness in my muscles I remember feeling, as if my cells could breathe more and the sinew in my body stretch more. Since discovering the power of eating live foods, I've become a dancer, training for ballroom competitions, and I wanted more energy & more vitality, more flexibility and tone... So I headed back to the old ways.

And it feels so great! Like being home again.

One month in, and my skin is deep into showing improvement -- it's getting that "sproingier" feeling again, and that sleek shiny luminous quality I now associate with eating lots of live foods.

With my dancing, I definitely feel more athletic, and have been recovering some abilities I haven't had in me since the early 90s. So... I'd consider that a great start. Let the momentum build...

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