Friday, October 05, 2007

12-week fitness program, 30-day raw challenge

I launched a personal 12-week fitness program this past Monday, Oct. 1st, and I decided today that I'm going to start a 30-day raw challenge for myself this coming Monday the 8th, as well.

I first began experimenting with a high raw lifestyle in April 2005, with amazing results, and now I feel ready to bring that initial shift into a new lifestyle & physique to its final stage, a new beginning in itself. Whereas previously I went from a size 16/18 to a 6 in seven months, and then continued to refine my fitness at that level, now I desire to transform my physique into the lean, beautiful, and highly functional shape of a dancer. Honestly, it's the functionality that I need... I absolutely require a stronger center in order to take my dancing to the next level, and there's a lot that goes into allowing that to happen. Certainly, it involves far more than working on one's abs...

I discovered ballroom dancing about 5 months into my raw experience. I eventually started studying International Standard ballroom with a private instructor, with the intention of competing, and January of this year (2007) I started competing with my instructor at a beginning level ("full bronze"). I participated in three competitions this year, in January, April, and July, and one showcase performance in June.

My 12-week fitness program, which includes the use of a ballet barre to work out using Super Callanetics (which I've used with repeat notable success since the late 80s), Cardio Barre, the Lotte Berk Method, the Bar Method, and the Fluidity Bar program (all of those being new to my experience).

Add to that some power-walking with weights, and DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) workouts at home, and I should have my hands full for the next 11+ weeks.

Over the last few months I have definitely increased my raw & live foods with all sorts of superfoods on a regular basis, but I was so inspired today by the film project at that I decided I was up for a raw personal challenge myself.

So, starting Monday, I'll be shooting for a 100% live & raw foods consumption every day, and if I hit a level of 90-95%, I'll be ecstatic!

I'm already very acclimated to the culture of raw. My kitchen is extremely different than it was two years ago... my shopping habits have continued to simplify, my cupboards are minimally stocked, my fridge relatively simple, filled with fresh foods I generally purchase every few days. I've got great goji berries, incan berries, raw cacao nibs & cocoa powder, raw maca & carob powders, great coconut oil, awesome green powder in the fridge, my beloved Himalayan ("himmy") salt on hand, great raw olives, a steady stream of varied raw nuts into the house... Honestely, it just blows my mind how much great food is at hand at this juncture in history.

So... the adventure continues. My objective: Maximal -- or rather, let's say unprecedented -- youthfulness, energy, vitality, physical functionality, strength, flexibility, grace, joy, and connectedness. I'm already doin' pretty well on this account for a 43-yr-old single mum. Let's see how much more one can push the envelope of what's possible...

Looking forward to seeing what emerges...

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