Thursday, March 19, 2009

I've launched my new Live Green Smoothie site...

Am having a lot of fun -- and am uber, uber bizzy -- now that I've launched my new site, "The Live Green Smoothie Diet". For the the next couple weeks, I'll be busy finishing up and launching my new eBook "Happy Juice: The Live Green Smoothie Way to Happiness for No Good Reason", as well as making sure everything's properly in place at the new site. So I won't be posting here until I've caught up with all that.

But I'm not planning on abandoning any of my satellite blogs, whether at Blogger, Wordpress or Vox. I'll be adding to them, with unique content, again soon.

I just need to catch my breath! :D

Please come by and add your comments and feedback and questions. I love to chat with new people who want to know more about how Live Green Smoothies can help them in their own lives!

In particular, you might want to check out these articles:

Talk to you soon!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Doin' The Live Green Smoothie Diet

The only reason I haven't posted recently is I've been utterly consumed with trouble-shooting and building my Live Green Smoothie domain site! Things are pretty exciting here, as the site is getting close to being finished. This is definitely launch-week! I think I just might hold a parade down the main street of town when the site is fully up, with the free eBook in place, the opt-in auto-responder, all pages search-engine optimized, and Google duly notified!

I think that evening I'll have a jug of Live Greenies in one hand... and a bottle of Black Medallion Tequila in the other. Heh.

Well, aside from a good solid week when I took break from all forms of exercise, diet-awareness... shoot, even movement... while I was immensely challenged to deal with certain technical challenges related to the site -- other than that, I actually jumped from my "Transition" to doing the Live Green Smoothie very heavily again. Three blenderfuls a day. The last couple days I only did two blenderfuls (64oz), but still the standard I shoot for every day is the three.

Doing the three blenderfuls each day is actually the cornerstone of my Live Green Smoothie Diet, and what I did back in 2005 to go from a size 18/20 to a 6 in 7 months without dieting. And I'm zeroing in now on taking my physique to a new change again, so that's why I'm going back on it. I feel GREAT when I'm doing it!

So, am continuing to march along a high-raw lifestyle... with very non-raw bits of things in-between. :)

Had the most amazing Raw Chocolate Smoothie today. I christened it "The Liquid Brownie". Am going to have to put the recipe up on my smoothie site tomorrow, with a photo of it. Gorgeous this shake... just awesome.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Transition -- Day 10

Breakfast: Two slices of Ezekiel toast with coconut oil & a light smear of raspberry-pomegranate french jam. A long espresso on the side.

Lunch: 32 oz. Parsley-Canteloupe-Clementine Live Green Smoothie. Three sliced bananas with cinnamon. A few organic tortilla chips.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Transition -- Day 9

Brekkies: A very pretty creamy Live Green Vanilla Shake made from a smallish bit of parsley (1/2 C.), one small avocado, a 2-inch piece of vanilla bean, 2 bananas, a heaping T. of raw coconut oil, and a bit of Himmy salt. With water, of course. :)
Woulda added ice but discovered I'm out for the moment.

Also made a lovely long espresso I haven't yet touched...the vanilla shake is winning out and I'm going back for refills. *grin*

(Update: Ditched the espresso & did the whole 32 oz vanilla smoothie. :)

Lunch: Open-Face Avo-"Tuna" mash on Ezekiel toast (3 pieces).

(One avocado chunked up with chopped "Bubbie's" bread & butter pickles, organic horseradish mustard, Himmy salt & fresh ground pepper.

Snackies: 32 oz Live Green Smoothie made with Parsley-Red Grapes-Coconut Oil and dash of Himmy salt.

Dinner: Grilled cheese dipped into a bit of tomato soup.

Nightcap: Glass of Malbec with friend...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Transition -- Day 8 (Valentine's Day!)

Brekkies: Two of the fluffiest pancakes I've ever made (from scratch, of course...)

Lunch: 32 oz. of Dark Chocolate Live Green Smoothie, made with parsley and all the same goodies as last night. Delish! And certainly in the spirit of the holdiay!

Let the theobromine flow! :D

Dinner: Spaghetti in a broth of tomato paste sauteed with olive oil, red onion, and garlic, with a bit of parm.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Transition -- Day 7

Brekkies: 32 oz. water blended with 1 T. raw honey, 1 T. Braggs apple cider vinegar, and ice. So refreshing!

Also, my standard of late: Ezekiel toast with coconut oil, raw honey, and cinnamon.

Lunch: Ezekiel toast with 3 local-raised eggs, over easy.

Afternoon: Another 32 oz. of water with raw honey & ACV.

Dinner: 32 oz. Dark Chocolate Live Green Smoothie (3 bananas, 1 cup parsley, 3 heaping T. raw cacao powder, 1 T. coconut oil, 1" of vanilla bean, and dash of Himmy salt).

Followed by dinner out with friend: Large delicate Bibb lettuce salad with sliced cherry tomatoes and a few shavings of parm, with a bit of garlic dressing. Dark tequila cosmo on the side. :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Transition -- Day 6

I woke up this morning and instantly felt dramatically lighter...when I hit the pavement for my 5:30 power walk, it was such a relief to feel how much less energy it took to move my body! My mind is also clearer and I woke up on my own, before my alarm went off. Good signs. :)

Brekkies: Same thing as I've been having lately: two slices of Ezekiel toast with coconut oil, raw honey, and cinnamon.

Snack: Glass of Parsley-Apple-Grape-Coconut Oil smoothie.

Lunch: Full 32 oz. smoothie of 4 carrots, 1 apple, and leftover greens & red onion from dinner last night.

Also, Open-Faced Avo-Cilantro Sammich: one avocado mashed up with handful of chopped cilantro, chopped small piece of red onion, some smashed cumin seeds, a dash of habanero salsa, and black pepper & Himmy salt.

Dinner: Something raw...can't's all a happy blur of raw fruit & vedge right now. ;)

But also took my son out to the local watering hole to celebrate his 21st birthday. Had a dark tequila cosmo ("not sweet, pleez"), a bit of his mahi-mahi and a couple of his calamari pieces.