Sunday, February 15, 2009

Transition -- Day 9

Brekkies: A very pretty creamy Live Green Vanilla Shake made from a smallish bit of parsley (1/2 C.), one small avocado, a 2-inch piece of vanilla bean, 2 bananas, a heaping T. of raw coconut oil, and a bit of Himmy salt. With water, of course. :)
Woulda added ice but discovered I'm out for the moment.

Also made a lovely long espresso I haven't yet touched...the vanilla shake is winning out and I'm going back for refills. *grin*

(Update: Ditched the espresso & did the whole 32 oz vanilla smoothie. :)

Lunch: Open-Face Avo-"Tuna" mash on Ezekiel toast (3 pieces).

(One avocado chunked up with chopped "Bubbie's" bread & butter pickles, organic horseradish mustard, Himmy salt & fresh ground pepper.

Snackies: 32 oz Live Green Smoothie made with Parsley-Red Grapes-Coconut Oil and dash of Himmy salt.

Dinner: Grilled cheese dipped into a bit of tomato soup.

Nightcap: Glass of Malbec with friend...

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