Monday, February 09, 2009

Transition -- Day 2

Met my goal for the day. Save for a small chocolate cupcake & cappo at Starbucks in the afternoon, some Ezekiel toast with brekkies and a few crackers with dinner, the rest of my meals consisted of live foods.

Breakfast: Blueberry-Kale-Goji smoothie. Toasted Ezekiel bread with Artisana's "Goji Bliss" coconut oil & sliced banana. And a very delicious long espresso.
Snack: Dried Mango-Lime-Chili
Lunch: 3 Bananas, Dates & Pecans
Snack: Cupcake (quite little) & cappo at sbux. Fruit: green grape
Dinner: Spicy guacamole. Wanted to have it with the organic tortilla chips that are usually in the house but there weren't any, so used some regular crackers.

One thing I intend to address, without which I know I will not be able to achieve a 100% raw state at this time, is how to make some good raw crackers & "bread". People who are very big into sweets seem to thrive on all the fabulous raw desserts one can make. I'm not into sweets so much -- I'll enjoy them, but what I crave most are *savory* dishes, not sweets. I love bread in many forms...with a hot beverage, with a sandwich filling, as an accompaniment with soups. When I'm eating a live food diet, I like to make savory sandwich fillers with avocado & sprouts and need something to put them in. Maybe in the future I can rewire my habits & live entirely without with "bready things", but for now, if I want to set myself up for success with a 100% raw lifestyle, I need to incorporate this into my kitchen.

Thing is...I cannot stand flax seed. Just disgusts me. Very few things make me feel that way, I'm not a picky eater in that regard. But the taste of flax seed...practically gags me. Problem is, in the raw world, flax is the "binder", like eggs are in the cooked world. latest discovery...chia seeds! When soaked, they have the gelatinous quality that flax seeds have, with a much more neutral taste. And they are extremely nutritious.

Am going to try my hand at a chia seed bread or cracker later today.

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