Saturday, October 13, 2007

Days 5 and 6 of 30-Day Raw Challenge

Still maintaining momentum. Feeling great.

Started Day 5 off with a full blender of Green Chocomacananner Smoothie. Then was busy all day -- caught in 4-hour long job interview (whew!) -- and didn't eat much. Stopped at a Salvadorean restaurant on my way home from the interview and snacked off one of their "Desayuno Tipico" breakfast plates, a couple huevos rancheros, some kind of round filled bread ("pupusa"?), a piece of queso blanco. Ordered a cafe con leche but did not drink it. Did indulge in a small bit of flan... heh.

Today, Day 6, I made had some Macadamia-Hempseed Fruit Topping (with organic almond extract instead of vanilla) over fresh strawberries & with fresh sunflower seed milk. Gave some in a cup to my youngest (a high school senior) who really liked it. "Any more?" Nope... mumma ate it all. :-D

Also had half a piece of the all-organic custardy french toast I made for the kids, but honestly... I was sated by my own meal. For late lunch, I made a Creamy Pink Smoothie, and later had a bit of Warm Raw Cocoa. And I had a few bites of the jasmine rice and chicken breasts I made for my boyz for their supper. The day's not out yet, but will probly make another smoothie before heading out for some dancing.

Am experimenting with two recipes for raw crisps and crackers. They're in the dehydrator right now... hopin' at least one of them is a keeper! Will report tomorrow...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Still in search of tasty "live" Bread & Crackers...

Haven't located any buckwheat groats as yet locally. May just need to order them online. In the meantime, am gonna see what I can come up with using what I've got on hand at the moment.

I love homemade bread. It may be that I won't find a "raw" bread that does the trick to my taste, in which case, c'est la vie. I find baking bread from scratch magical. Now that is a living thing, when you've got the dough under your hands and you can feel it springing to life, warming & plumping & smoothing.

But in the spirit of exploring "rawness", I had some flaxseed crackers with my soup at dinner this evening. Extremely flavorful "Matter of Flax", Greek-flavored crackers... with visible bits of black olives in them, bits of red & green pepper, tomatoes, carrots, garlic... very nice.

The thing is, I abhor the taste of flax. Just grosses me out. Can't get used to it. Like the taste of wheatgrass juice. Just not for me. And without flax, making breads & crackers is a tricky business, because soaked flax seed is the "binder" in the raw realm, like eggs are in the baked world.

Must explore other binding options... I've got a dehydrator just itchin' to make full-flavored sprouted grain breads & crackers. Maybe the raw food muse will visit me in my sleep with some yummy inspiration.

Cardio Barre arrived!

I've wanted my very own barre for almost 20 years... since being introduced to Callanetics in the late 80s. Can't believe I've actually got one set up at home, now... Very, very pleased.

The barre actually arrived a few days ago, but one connector was defective so I couldn't set it up. Called up Cardio Barre, and they very sweetly Fed-Exed a replacement part to me, which arrived today! In the meantime, I did the Cardio Barre workout three times (using a chair for support), so when the I finally assembled the barre today I just put on some great workout music and gave it a whirl to see what all I could do with it.

I generally use DVDs to help me maintain momentum and to give me ideas, but I'm far more comfortable coming up with my own workouts geared towards what I can feel my body needs in the moment. I must've spent two hours at my barre today... standing, kneeling, sitting next to it... lying under it... doing leg exercises, seat-work, ab-work, upper-body stretching... you name it! I absolutely loved it.

I've got a Fluidity Bar coming soon -- am looking forward to that, because it's much heavier and will allow me to use my body weight to create resistance and get into some positions I can't manage with a lightweight free-standing barre. But the Cardio Barre is gonna see a lotta sweat... :)

It weighs only 11 pounds, is 4-1/2 feet long, a nice shiny black, assembles in less than 60 seconds, comes in a sexy black carrying bag, and easily moves where I want it throughout my workout, but provides all the support I need for basic barre work. Cost $120 total, including S&H, and came with the DVD and some hand weights. Money well-spent, I say.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Day 4 of 30-Day Raw Challenge

Stayed with the live foods all day yesterday (Day 3), finishing up with a comfy cooked meal in front of a good movie (Mansfield Park):

Started day with fresh juice from 2 Valencia oranges, followed by Sesame Ezekiel Toast with Raw Coconut Oil and Raw Honey. Later I had a cappuccino from Starbucks while I waited at the Apple store to take my sick iPod in for a checkup. Alas, did not enjoy the cappo at all... felt repulsed by the milk, which seems to happen when I jack up the live foods.

The rest of the afternoon I sipped a blenderful of Pink Smoothie (with Strawberry-Red Grape-Tomato) and had a couple bowls of Live Shitake-Miso Soup. Also had a couple Raw Cashew-Pumpkin Seed "Pop-ems"... honey-nut treats I just don't know what to name. "Pop-em" is not cutting it... I need inspiration. But they sure are good. Way better than any of those date-almond nut balls I've had so many places. Am going to have to make a large batch of those things tomorrow. YUM.

For dinner, made some tortellini for the kids, with fresh tomato sauce, and had a bowl of that with a small glass of shiraz.

Today, Day 4, started straightaway with an unusual craving for eggs. I'd just picked up some gorgeous gigantic eggs from a local farmer, so I cooked a few up in some olive oil & enjoyed them with Ezekiel bread and a long espresso. It was all live the rest of the day, save for a bit of chocolate at the end of it all.

Made a nice Live Shitake Soup with Butternut Squash, Red Pepper, and Hempseed. Comforting and very filling... felt absolutely stuffed afterwards, and has lasted all evening.

Altogether, am pleased with how things have gone so far...

Day 3 of 30-Day Raw Challenge

Skin beginning to develop that inexplicable softness that comes with eating high-raw. It always amazes me how quickly that emerges. The skin is truly a barometer for what's going on within one's body.

So, today, I'm feeling completely clear-headed, energetic, focused, ambitious, very "alive", and with normal hunger. Awesome.

Yesterday (Day 2) was easy & enjoyable. Enjoyed some non-raw bits & pieces in the evening, but for the most part I'm craving live food and eating lots of it. Most of the day was spent consuming a large Chocomaca Hempseed Shake and a bowl of Coconut-Grape Soup with Strawberries and Macadamia Nuts, with leftover soup in a glass like a smoothie. I was TOTALLY fired up by the coconut... WOW. That stuff is magical. Lots of productivity, with energy to spare.

In the evening, I had a small toasted ciabatta sandwich with turkey, arthichoke, and red pepper. And I closed out the day with a Vanilla-Peach martini made with organic Italian peach nectar and vanilla vodka.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Day 2 of 30-Day Raw Challenge

Made it through very easily yesterday at nearly 100% live foods.

What I ate:

Chocomacananner Sprouted Cereal Shake
Vanilla Macadamia-Hempseed Topping over Strawberries
Live Butternut Squash Soup w/ Avocado and Pistachios
Most of a small slice of Sicilian pizza

Unexpectedly went out to dinner with friend in the evening, and thus grabbed the slice. Light bread, small bit of sauce & cheese... exactly the sort of bready thing I crave on a daily basis when I'm high-raw. Usually a bit of toasted Ezekiel bread helps out, because of its rich nutty-meaty flavor & texture.

Am looking for buckwheat groats right now so I can sprout them & try to make some live buckwheat crackers, which I can eat with avocado/sprout spreads & savory pates made from the leftovers of the morning's nut milk. But... need to nail down the right bread or cracker recipe for that to work.

I slept perfectly-wonderfully-peacefully last night. Feel clear-headed, energized, and very motivated today. Started things off with a Chocomaca Hempseed Shake, and making an espresso now at 11am.

(Edited to add: Only got a few sips into the espresso before dumped into the sink. Started to catch in my throat & not wanna go down. Unthinkable... but true.)

Monday, October 08, 2007

In search of great live Bread and Crackers...

I'm on a mission to create tasty live bread & crackers at home with my dehydrator... it's the one missing piece that drives me crazy when I try to go full-out 100% raw. I just need bread-y things, and crunchy things to scoop up dips & such.

Have pulled out one of my live food books for some recipe ideas. Nothing I've ever tried has but I do believe it must be possible

Day 1 of 30-Day Raw Challenge

Stared things off with a handful of raw cashews and a Chocomacananner Sprouted Cereal shake . With a long espresso on the side.

Not giving up coffee unless it gives me up... as it has done before when I've gone high raw. Those who know me know that when it comes to coffee, I'm all about the flavor, not the caffeine. I don't drink it to "wake up" or for energy -- I just think a well-brewed cup of espresso, macchiato, or cappuccino is one of my favorite taste pleasures on the planet. It feels good in my body and I suffer from no ill effects if I don't partake.

But I seem to lose the desire for coffee the more I consume live foods so... am paying it no mind until that happens. A girl's gotta have some vices...

Actually, I don't think of my enjoyment of coffee as a vice. So I better start coming up with some other ones. Heh.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Fresh Juice: Carrot-Cuke-Celery-Red Grape-Kale

6 long carrots
5 ribs celery
1 cuke (peeled only cuz non-organic)
large bunch red grapes, taken off stem
3-4 leaves kale

this filled a 1-1/2 quart pitcher... sipped from a.m. til mid p.m.
sweet, refreshing, enlivening... simple

Friday, October 05, 2007

Navitas products

I have been very impressed with the quality of products I've sampled from a company called Navitas. They have the best raw cacao nibs & cocoa powder I've tried so far... absolutely delicious, and they feel great in my body. And the incan goldenberries are like nature's sour candy... so perky & full-flavored!

I've got their raw maca powder (am still endeavoring to develop some recipes that I really like using maca...).

And dear Edie, the owner of my local health food store, who is as much into raw & live foods as I am, just introduced me to the Navitas "3 Berry-Cacao Nibs-Cashews" TRAIL POWER mix, which is delicious. Made with the nibs & cashews along with gojis, incan berries, and mulberries.

Came across this video of Zach Adelman of Navitas, discussing some of their products:

12-week fitness program, 30-day raw challenge

I launched a personal 12-week fitness program this past Monday, Oct. 1st, and I decided today that I'm going to start a 30-day raw challenge for myself this coming Monday the 8th, as well.

I first began experimenting with a high raw lifestyle in April 2005, with amazing results, and now I feel ready to bring that initial shift into a new lifestyle & physique to its final stage, a new beginning in itself. Whereas previously I went from a size 16/18 to a 6 in seven months, and then continued to refine my fitness at that level, now I desire to transform my physique into the lean, beautiful, and highly functional shape of a dancer. Honestly, it's the functionality that I need... I absolutely require a stronger center in order to take my dancing to the next level, and there's a lot that goes into allowing that to happen. Certainly, it involves far more than working on one's abs...

I discovered ballroom dancing about 5 months into my raw experience. I eventually started studying International Standard ballroom with a private instructor, with the intention of competing, and January of this year (2007) I started competing with my instructor at a beginning level ("full bronze"). I participated in three competitions this year, in January, April, and July, and one showcase performance in June.

My 12-week fitness program, which includes the use of a ballet barre to work out using Super Callanetics (which I've used with repeat notable success since the late 80s), Cardio Barre, the Lotte Berk Method, the Bar Method, and the Fluidity Bar program (all of those being new to my experience).

Add to that some power-walking with weights, and DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) workouts at home, and I should have my hands full for the next 11+ weeks.

Over the last few months I have definitely increased my raw & live foods with all sorts of superfoods on a regular basis, but I was so inspired today by the film project at that I decided I was up for a raw personal challenge myself.

So, starting Monday, I'll be shooting for a 100% live & raw foods consumption every day, and if I hit a level of 90-95%, I'll be ecstatic!

I'm already very acclimated to the culture of raw. My kitchen is extremely different than it was two years ago... my shopping habits have continued to simplify, my cupboards are minimally stocked, my fridge relatively simple, filled with fresh foods I generally purchase every few days. I've got great goji berries, incan berries, raw cacao nibs & cocoa powder, raw maca & carob powders, great coconut oil, awesome green powder in the fridge, my beloved Himalayan ("himmy") salt on hand, great raw olives, a steady stream of varied raw nuts into the house... Honestely, it just blows my mind how much great food is at hand at this juncture in history.

So... the adventure continues. My objective: Maximal -- or rather, let's say unprecedented -- youthfulness, energy, vitality, physical functionality, strength, flexibility, grace, joy, and connectedness. I'm already doin' pretty well on this account for a 43-yr-old single mum. Let's see how much more one can push the envelope of what's possible...

Looking forward to seeing what emerges...