Saturday, October 13, 2007

Days 5 and 6 of 30-Day Raw Challenge

Still maintaining momentum. Feeling great.

Started Day 5 off with a full blender of Green Chocomacananner Smoothie. Then was busy all day -- caught in 4-hour long job interview (whew!) -- and didn't eat much. Stopped at a Salvadorean restaurant on my way home from the interview and snacked off one of their "Desayuno Tipico" breakfast plates, a couple huevos rancheros, some kind of round filled bread ("pupusa"?), a piece of queso blanco. Ordered a cafe con leche but did not drink it. Did indulge in a small bit of flan... heh.

Today, Day 6, I made had some Macadamia-Hempseed Fruit Topping (with organic almond extract instead of vanilla) over fresh strawberries & with fresh sunflower seed milk. Gave some in a cup to my youngest (a high school senior) who really liked it. "Any more?" Nope... mumma ate it all. :-D

Also had half a piece of the all-organic custardy french toast I made for the kids, but honestly... I was sated by my own meal. For late lunch, I made a Creamy Pink Smoothie, and later had a bit of Warm Raw Cocoa. And I had a few bites of the jasmine rice and chicken breasts I made for my boyz for their supper. The day's not out yet, but will probly make another smoothie before heading out for some dancing.

Am experimenting with two recipes for raw crisps and crackers. They're in the dehydrator right now... hopin' at least one of them is a keeper! Will report tomorrow...

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