Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cardio Barre arrived!

I've wanted my very own barre for almost 20 years... since being introduced to Callanetics in the late 80s. Can't believe I've actually got one set up at home, now... Very, very pleased.

The barre actually arrived a few days ago, but one connector was defective so I couldn't set it up. Called up Cardio Barre, and they very sweetly Fed-Exed a replacement part to me, which arrived today! In the meantime, I did the Cardio Barre workout three times (using a chair for support), so when the I finally assembled the barre today I just put on some great workout music and gave it a whirl to see what all I could do with it.

I generally use DVDs to help me maintain momentum and to give me ideas, but I'm far more comfortable coming up with my own workouts geared towards what I can feel my body needs in the moment. I must've spent two hours at my barre today... standing, kneeling, sitting next to it... lying under it... doing leg exercises, seat-work, ab-work, upper-body stretching... you name it! I absolutely loved it.

I've got a Fluidity Bar coming soon -- am looking forward to that, because it's much heavier and will allow me to use my body weight to create resistance and get into some positions I can't manage with a lightweight free-standing barre. But the Cardio Barre is gonna see a lotta sweat... :)

It weighs only 11 pounds, is 4-1/2 feet long, a nice shiny black, assembles in less than 60 seconds, comes in a sexy black carrying bag, and easily moves where I want it throughout my workout, but provides all the support I need for basic barre work. Cost $120 total, including S&H, and came with the DVD and some hand weights. Money well-spent, I say.

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