Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Day 3 of 30-Day Raw Challenge

Skin beginning to develop that inexplicable softness that comes with eating high-raw. It always amazes me how quickly that emerges. The skin is truly a barometer for what's going on within one's body.

So, today, I'm feeling completely clear-headed, energetic, focused, ambitious, very "alive", and with normal hunger. Awesome.

Yesterday (Day 2) was easy & enjoyable. Enjoyed some non-raw bits & pieces in the evening, but for the most part I'm craving live food and eating lots of it. Most of the day was spent consuming a large Chocomaca Hempseed Shake and a bowl of Coconut-Grape Soup with Strawberries and Macadamia Nuts, with leftover soup in a glass like a smoothie. I was TOTALLY fired up by the coconut... WOW. That stuff is magical. Lots of productivity, with energy to spare.

In the evening, I had a small toasted ciabatta sandwich with turkey, arthichoke, and red pepper. And I closed out the day with a Vanilla-Peach martini made with organic Italian peach nectar and vanilla vodka.

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