Thursday, October 11, 2007

Still in search of tasty "live" Bread & Crackers...

Haven't located any buckwheat groats as yet locally. May just need to order them online. In the meantime, am gonna see what I can come up with using what I've got on hand at the moment.

I love homemade bread. It may be that I won't find a "raw" bread that does the trick to my taste, in which case, c'est la vie. I find baking bread from scratch magical. Now that is a living thing, when you've got the dough under your hands and you can feel it springing to life, warming & plumping & smoothing.

But in the spirit of exploring "rawness", I had some flaxseed crackers with my soup at dinner this evening. Extremely flavorful "Matter of Flax", Greek-flavored crackers... with visible bits of black olives in them, bits of red & green pepper, tomatoes, carrots, garlic... very nice.

The thing is, I abhor the taste of flax. Just grosses me out. Can't get used to it. Like the taste of wheatgrass juice. Just not for me. And without flax, making breads & crackers is a tricky business, because soaked flax seed is the "binder" in the raw realm, like eggs are in the baked world.

Must explore other binding options... I've got a dehydrator just itchin' to make full-flavored sprouted grain breads & crackers. Maybe the raw food muse will visit me in my sleep with some yummy inspiration.

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